Timber Fence Supplies Melbourne

Timber Fence Supplies Melbourne

Timber Fence Supplies Melbourne

Oztimbers is an Australian-owned and managed firm situated in Melbourne. We also attempt to use as many Australian suppliers as possible for our products to benefit Australian businesses. If you’re seeking high-quality timber fence supplies for your fencing project in Melbourne, look no further. Oztimbers has you covered. We have a large selection of things to choose from to satisfy your specific needs. Our educated technicians have a thorough understanding of various types of wood.

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What Timber Fencing Supplies Do We Sell?

Timber Fence Supplies Melbourne

Timber Fence Supplies Melbourne

Oztimbers provides an exceptional choice of high-grade timber fence materials and timber fencing supplies in Melbourne. For your satisfaction and convenience, we supply a wide variety of timber fencing panels, and fence posts. Come to us if you need pine, cypress, or hardwood fence materials or Merbau screening in Melbourne.


A new fence may be made from a variety of materials. However, many homeowners are adamant about sticking with wood because of its classic, natural appearance. We all agree that wood is a great material for a home or business fence. However, after you’ve settled on wood, you’ll have even more options. The two most essential considerations you must make when building a wood fence are the sort of wood you choose and how you intend to finish it. You may be wondering which wood is ideal for fences. There is no one best, as there is with most things in life. To pick the ideal wood for your fence, consider the characteristics of each material and finish and then determine what works best for you.

Why Choose a Wood Fence

Timber Fence Supplies Melbourne

Timber Fence Supplies Melbourne

When it comes to choosing a fence, you have a lot of alternatives. Some folks adore the antique appearance of wrought iron. Others adore steel fencing’s clean minimalism. Others like PVC’s ease of use and inexpensive cost. But there’s much to be claimed for a wooden fence’s traditional simplicity.

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Wood is perhaps the oldest material for fences, and it has remained a popular choice. Wood also has a plethora of possibilities. You may select almost any form and design. Wood is simple to deal with and, when properly treated, can withstand the environment rather well.

Wood is an excellent choice for a traditional aesthetic in your garden. People associate wooden fences with the fences they had as children. One of the defining features of suburban life is a towering wooden privacy fence. A split rail fence is a fantastic alternative for a more rural setting. If the American ideal is what you’re after, there’s nothing better than a typical wood picket fence.

Wood is quite adaptable. To bring out its inherent beauty, it can be painted, stained, or treated with a clear finish. You may also leave your fence untreated to achieve the weathered grey effect of wood exposed to the elements.

But, with so many options, what is the finest wood for fencing? Let’s take a look at some popular (and less popular) options to see how they compare.


Pine is a common choice for wood fences. It is soft and simple to work with, and it is also one of the most affordable solutions. Pine offers inherent insect resistance. However, pressure-treated wood for outside fences is nearly always required. When wood is pressure treated, chemical gases are driven into the wood under high pressure. The compounds make the wood more resistant to insects, dampness, and other weather-related threats.

Treated pine grows well in the ground and is resistant to decay. As a result, many builders recommend utilizing pine posts even if you choose a different material for the pickets.

For more details, Timber Fence Supplies Melbourne visits us.