Timber supplies Melbourne western suburbs

OzTimber is Australia’s most reputable timber company. We are a quality timber supplier in Melbourne’s Western Suburbs. OZ Timber delivers amazing service and the cheapest price in Melbourne’s western suburbs. Oztimber is a timber and construction supply company based in Australia. We provide a diverse selection of softwood and hardwood items, including flooring, furniture, and walls, among other things.

OZTimbers Product -Timber supplies Melbourne Western Suburbs

OZTimbers Product -Timber supplies Melbourne Western Suburbs

OZ Timber Supplies Melbourne Western Suburbs is the finest location to go for all of your timber needs. We provide a wide range of wood products at exceptionally reasonable costs. There are numerous development projects now underway in Melbourne’s western suburbs. We provide a wide range of items for various construction and housing projects in Melbourne’s western suburbs that require timber supplies.

OZ Timber supplies Melbourne western suburbs: Products

Book Timber Supplies call To book: 0466987833

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F5 treated pine

treated pine timber Supplies in Melbourne Western Suburbs

treated pine Timber supplies Melbourne western suburbs

Pine that has been treated with F5 and is appropriate for above-ground use. The LOSP treatment results in less movement and a more appealing appearance. Melbourne is the birthplace and home of everything. The spine that has been treated with F5 has a structurally assessed strength that is easy to paint or stain.


LVL beams

Merbau timber Supplies in Melbourne Western Suburbs

Timber supplies Melbourne western suburbs

The GL17C Beam is the strongest softwood glue-laminated beam in the industry, with a wide range of structural applications, particularly where high load and performance are required. It comes with either H2 or H3 therapy. Timber Beams are valued by builders for lintels over the wide window and door openings, garage beams, and large span roof beams.

Merbau Decking

Merbau Decking - Timber Supplies in Melbourne Western Suburbs

Merbau Decking – Timber supplies Melbourne western suburbs

You can choose from a variety of lengths.
It’s easy to work with. On request, more sizes are available.
You can place an order online and pick it up in person.
Additionally, delivery is available across Sydney and the neighbouring areas.

Book Timber Supplies call To book: 0420407843

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F7 treated pines

treated pine timber Supplies in Melbourne Western Suburbs

Timber supplies Melbourne western suburbs

Pines that have been treated with F7 are suitable for outdoor use. The LOSP treatment results in less movement and a more appealing appearance. Australia is where it is grown and made.
A structure’s structural strength is defined as its ability to withstand a large amount of force. It’s straightforward to paint or dye pines that have received the F7 treatment.

MGP10 Treated pines

MGP 10 Treated Pine - Timber Supplies in Melbourne Western Supplies

MGP 10 Treated Pine – Timber Supplies Melbourne Western Supplies

Pines that have been treated with F7 are suitable for outdoor use. The LOSP treatment results in less movement and a more appealing appearance. Australia is where it is grown and made.
A structure’s structural strength is defined as its ability to withstand a large amount of force.It’s straightforward to paint or dye pines that have received the F7 treatment.

For More Information, Please check our blogs about Timber Supplies Melbourne Western Suburbs or visit us at OZTimbers.